The most recent news demonstrates the way Dubya and his henchmen choose to use the powers of the presidency to rob the institution, corrupt the Constitution and nullify each law and resolution and do it oh so legally. All with a nod from GWB who thinks he was chosen by God to safeguard our lives and liberty.
I resort to the latest report on how Dubya asserted his authority to disobey or ignore more than seven hundred federal laws just because he thinks they conflict with his interpretation of the Constitution which has served our nation since its formation way back when. This dense president of limited intelligence who makes no sense and represents a fragment of the voting population, who never served his nation in war, goes far beyond his ability to tell America what it can and cannot do. All by his interpretation of the constitutionality of the rules and regulations. Dubya wants everybody to know he's running the show.
On a whim, if the laws don't appeal to him, he'll just ignore them. He may or may not enforce them. He's the boss, of course, and has the power or will seize it because that's the way he sees it. If you know something's wrong just go along. Don't play the game of show and tell. Blow the whistle, YOU may wind up in a cell, This is really scary: He, not Congress, will control the military. And he's the guy who went AWOL when our GIs were getting hell in Viet Nam . Hot Damn!
There's so much more he has done and will do that will live long after me and you. Read about it. It's big news. Cruise the internet, Check the papers, television. Weigh the facts. Go to the polls, Make your decision.
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