Saturday, November 18, 2006


What are the Republicans going to do after what they put the voters through? An administration led by a fraudulent president, a man in denial, who commits crimes big time but says with a sneer, Get out of here, like another Commander in Grief (Tricky Dick Nixon} who thought he could do no wrong as long as he was the chief.

All presidents love the law but believe they are above the law, they can-do and do do whatever they want to do to undue legislation old or new, that interferes with the (sneer! sneer! sneer!) administration's ministration of this less than solvent once great nation.

You'll recall Dubya's claim of self-imposed immunity when he proclaimed he doesn't have to explain what he means to say because he said it. Give Dubya credit.This incredible forgettable head of state can't even remember who to hate or what he ate or when he ate it.

Members of the Bush regime have been involved in every scheme political, hypocritical or typical sexual infidelity. She did this and they did that and that was that but keep it under your hat for, no doubt, if it gets out he'll be out and his enemy who's opposed to sin will get in. That's the how and why some lose, some win. That's how that son of a son got in, not for a cover-up like Holy Foley, but for sins that he lied to start a war where thousands of GIs and innocent Iraqis died and who knows how many maimed and will remain disabled for life just to get this defective reelected/selected.

Now the issue, should Bush be impeached? It has finally reached a fever pitch and that bun of a switch may soon be in sheep dit. And the GOP has had it with GWB and his war and all the things that are sure to emerge as Democrats get the urge to purge his less than legal legacy.


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