Thursday, December 14, 2006


When darkness rules the heavens stars will disappear, the moon will cease to glow and show the way in dead of night, the sun's fire will expire and greed and mad desire will control the precious fuels. And this old world will be locked into a penetrating cold.

As everything that kindles dwindles wood WILL be worth its weight in gold. Matches will be sold at a hundred bucks a strike and there is no guarantee these sticks will light. Only in our sleep will we see a sun still burning bright.

The darkness that surrounds us will confound us as we stumble, bumble, grumble bumping into this and that and falling flat, not knowing where we're at. And the walls of blackened air will declare control of life on earth.

No longer will man see a smile, admire style, start a fire on his outdoor grille, smoke a cigar or sing along to the strum of a lone guitar, The poet will not write about the beauty of a day in spring, a sparkling pool or anything. He will fling away his writing tools and babble endlessly, creating words that disappear in the darkened atmosphere.

Foods we need will crumble like weed and feed for cattle we breed will disappear and cow and steer and lamb and sheep and fowl and even the wise old owl will die of cold and confusion, robbed of the illusion of day and night, dark and light, lack of sight.

Whatever caused this change in outer space, a new power force is on the rise to take its place 'till l light returns. But there is one thing to keep in mind: In a land of darkness the blind man will be king


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