Sunday, November 09, 2008


Barack Obama will live forever in the hearts and history of America and the Univerese as the candidate of Two Thousand Eight who was elected President of the United States and led the world to lasting peace and prosperity. His legacy to humanity was a sacred special sanity never known before.

Barack, who was black, attacked traditional bigotry and animosity and stood tall for brotherhood and the good life ahead. And he led a parade of trillions to freedom unafraid. This brilliant Harvard Law School grad, whose Dad was black, whose Mom was white, entered a fight nobody thought the color of his skin would let him win.

But this Constitutional scholar, a senator from Illinois, a man with personality and poise, intelligence and common sense, skill, strong will and a smile as warm as the sun on the Fourth of July knew why he had to reach so high so early in his career. This was the year he knew he could be a savior of freedom, liberty and democracy.

There was something special Barack knew: his beloved native land was in trouble as never before and he had to male a stand to help restore it to the democracy it was before greed and hypocrisy tried to take control of its soul.

Soon Barack officially will become the man in charge of change, who'll say "I CAN!" And he will. Until that day, keep the faith and hope alive and help him strive to be the greatest American president of this, the twenty-first century.


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