Tuesday, May 30, 2006


As the Enron Show goes on an on the most recent stars who soon will be behind steel bars-are Kenny Boy Lay and Jeffy Skilling who made a killing and got top billing. They stole billions, now they're broke. or so they say.

How much cash they've got stashed away saving for a rainy day is anybody's guess, It's estimated they created a $68 billion loss while they were boss of the esteemed energy giant that lost its steam.

And these two, once depicted as the smartest boys in town, now stand convicted and unless they pull some strings and do other crooked things with Dubya cheering from the wings, they'll do time for their crime with only nickels and dimes in their jeans ,but surrounded by golfing greens and tennis courts and all the sports they need to stay in shape. With all that at their beck and call, they''ll have no reason to escape,

If things run true to form, these high class cons will live in lock-free dorms away from wind and rain and storms and socialize with conguy pals and, who knows, a few congals. They'll dine on wine and divine cuisine, beer and ale, steaks and lobster tail and spicy sauce. As a special treat, Tums come with what they eat.

And sooner than you can compute. they'll be pardoned by Bush to enjoy their hidden loot, some of which they'll contribute to the GOP election/selection collection plate. Just you wait!


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