Sunday, June 03, 2007


Are we the people going mad? Have lost the intelligence and common sense we once had? Can we believe a president who
thinks he talks to God? Does anyone listen to what Dubya's saying? Is he ranting when he should be praying?

The Burning Bush is a liar with one desire: to set the world on fire and turn it into a funeral pyre. Says he: "Forget about my AOL (absence without leave.) I've served my country well with my expertise and theories on WMDs."

"Good grief! I'm the Commander in Chief---or is it thief?----I can't remember. Before that fatal September day I was
called an idiot, all full of it. Then the airplanes struck and, boy, was I in luck! I went from dumb cluck to hero of the day, the savior of democracy."

Dubya's done it. He begun it. Hasn't won it. Three thousand-plus GIs dead and growing in Iraq. What more damage can he
do before he's through?


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