The biggest waste is death by war, a deadly fate hurried along by greed and hate, by flukes of nature and mistakes by state and federal stupid legislatures, by acts of God which are not insured and acts of man that can't be cured and must be endured or by dread disease and lesser maladies that can be spread by as simple an act as an unprotected sneeze.
Death occurs when airplanes crash, when homes burn down and dreams are all reduced to ash and rubble and endless trouble when insurance firms
delay and delay even though in the end they have to pay.
The only time there'll be no rage is when people die of old age, that is, unless one relative inherits more, another less and even some who get no dough. That's when a will gets contested and all the money the dead invested winds up wasted on attorney fees and complicated legalese.
Since you can't take it with you when you go, spend the dough while you're still here. Drink a lot of high priced beer, eat at fancy restaurants, satisfy your whims and wants, give in to every urge to splurge, take a trip and tip lavishly, spend up to the bitter end so foe and friend will sigh and cry and say when you die, "There goes a real spendthrift guy. I didn't benefit a bit. But this he taught me, this I learned. Spend every cent you've ever earned. Keep in mind, don't leave a dime behind."